Astro Boy is an animated tale of young robot in search of acceptance from the animated company TMNT. Astro Boy (voiced by Freddie Highmore) is invented by a brilliant scientist, Dr. Tenma (voiced by Nicolas Cage) after the death of his son. He has an incredible power, ability to fly, x-ray vision, super strength and unbelievable speed. In his journey, he encounters many characters along his way. In his adventures, he learns joys and emotions of being a human, and gains the strength to embrace his destiny. Using his unbelievable power and ability, Astro Boy saves the city where he was created.
Don’t miss the exciting adventure of Astro Boy, starring by Freddie Highmore, Nicolas Cage, Kristen Bell, Bill Nighy, Donald Sutherland, Eugene Levy and Matt Lucas, and directed by David Bowers and written by Timothy Harris, and originated in USA.
Release this coming January 21, 2010
Don’t miss the exciting adventure of Astro Boy, starring by Freddie Highmore, Nicolas Cage, Kristen Bell, Bill Nighy, Donald Sutherland, Eugene Levy and Matt Lucas, and directed by David Bowers and written by Timothy Harris, and originated in USA.
Release this coming January 21, 2010
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